Under the term “consulting” we understand services selection that helps our client to increase company activity; to understand the market on which the client is acting, or the new one; to analyze competitors etc. We do not organize any seminars or group trainings – all our solutions are practice oriented and unique for each case. Furthermore, we are amenable for the end-result; we do process “fine-tuning” if necessary and support our client in the future.
So, as we understand consulting tool-kit should contain:
- Effective finance management;
- Effective management of supplies ;
- Management of client data-base ;
- Company strategy ;
- Marketing plans ;
- Investment projects .
Our main principles – individual solutions and integrated approach – starting with precise business examination, then working out the road map, then its implementation and finally – company capitalization increase.
The management of Symetra-Finance LLC has a wide range of successful projects in different branches: banking, automotive, construction, agriculture, real estate, retail etc. Furthermore, we have good experience in M&A deals, export/import transactions and trade financing as well.